Why DsLab?
Discover the benefits of Data Science!
Knowledge is invaluable in science and business and data is the fuel for business. According to Forbes estimates, by the end of 2020. data volume reaches over 45 trillion gigabytes! So the question is how to use this amount of data? The possibilities are almost limitless, and the information that can be obtained from the data becomes invaluable. A new field of science – Data Science – comes to the rescue in effectively using this excess of information. It uses methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract key information from the data, and then use it to conduct scientific research or make important decisions necessary to build a good business strategy for any company.
The use of Data Science methods in science, as well as in medical and financial industries, the use of machine learning or neural networks is a constantly growing trend.
We plan to make use of this opportunity! To this end, we have created a research group of young talents convinced of the unconventional nature of Data Science, an approach that will inevitably play a key role in technological progress in the coming decades. Our goal is to promote knowledge about the applications of Data Science in science and business, to popularize free statistical and programming tools enabling their use, as well as to carry out both scientific research and projects on the border between science and business using advanced machine learning tools and artificial intelligence.
We believe that the diversity that prevails in our team, our different professional, academic and personal experiences, united under the aegis of a common passion for Data Science, will contribute to the creation of a new world – the world of data, where the ability to efficiently analyze them will become inseparable and thus key element in every aspect of working life.
Why DsLab?
Discover the benefits of Data Science!
Knowledge is invaluable in science and business, while data is currently the fuel for business. According to Forbes estimates, by the end of 2020. data volume reaches over 45 trillion gigabytes! So the question is how to use this amount of data? The possibilities are almost limitless, and the information that can be obtained from the data becomes invaluable. A new field of science – Data Science – comes to the rescue in effectively using this excess of information. It uses methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract key information from the data, and then use it to make important decisions necessary to build a good business strategy for every company.[show_more color=”#5B3F63″ align=”„right””]The use of Data Science methods in industries from medical to financial, the use of machine learning or neural networks is a constantly growing trend on the business market.
We plan to make use of this opportunity! We have therefore created a research group of young talents, convinced of the unconventional nature of Data Science, an approach that will inevitably play a key role in technological progress in the coming decades. Our goal is to propagate knowledge about the application of Data Science in business, to popularize free statistical and programming tools enabling their use, as well as to carry out both scientific research and projects on the border between science and business using advanced machine learning tools and artificial intelligence.
We believe that the diversity that prevails in our team, our different professional, academic and personal experiences, united under the aegis of a common passion for Data Science, will contribute to the creation of a new world – the world of data, where the ability to efficiently analyze them will become inseparable and thus key element in every aspect of working life.[/show_more]
Who we are?
Our team
Piotr Wójcik
Founder, Head of Data Science Research Teams
Ewelina Osowska
Researcher, Data Scientist
Kornel Krysiak
Marketing, PR & Social Media Manager, Data Scientist
Michał Szałański
IT & WebDev Manager, Data Scientist
Bartek Wieczorek
Researcher, Data Scientist
Hubert Śmieciuch
Researcher, Data Scientist
Kasia Kryńska
Researcher, Data Scientist
Kuba Ajchel
Researcher, Data Scientist
Krystian Andruszek
Researcher, Data Scientist
Ewa Sobolewska
Researcher, Data Scientist
Tomek Koc
Researcher, Data Scientist
What we do?
Current research areas
DSLab Partners

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Długa 44/50, 00-241 Warsaw, Poland
Mon-Fri: 9.00-17.00
Sat-Sun: Closed
Dr Piotr Wojcik