The activity of the Data Science Lab is mainly based on academic projects aimed at deepening the knowledge of team members, sharing it with other interested in Data Science topics and preparing publications of an academic and didactic nature. We also do not shun commercial external projects, especially if they can result in valuable scientific publications.
In implementing each project, we place great emphasis on the development of industry skills (closely related to the broadly understood subject of data analysis), as well as on the development of social and business skills, such as teamwork, project management, leadership skills, time management as well as marketing and negotiation skills.
About us
The Data Science Lab research group was founded in 2019 at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw. Members of the group are both experienced researchers, people with many years of professional experience in the positions of quantitative analysts in various industries, experienced programmers, as well as young researchers and students. All group members share a passion for discovering the unknown and for practical use of modern machine learning tools, learning and developing new methods of data analysis.
Our mission
The main goal of the group is to carry out research strictly scientific as well as projects on the borderline of science and business using advanced machine learning tools and artificial intelligence. The team’s goal is also to promote knowledge of interesting applications of modern data analysis methods, as well as to popularize free statistical and programming tools enabling their use, including commercial ones.
What we do?
Areas in which we feel best are broadly understood data analysis, statistics, machine learning and econometrics.
Neural Networks
Machine Learning
Spatial Analysis
Do you like our projects? Do you have idea for your own project?
Długa 44/50, 00-241 Warsaw, Poland
Mon-Fri: 9.00-17.00
Sat-Sun: Closed
Dr Piotr Wojcik