Why R? is a nationwide conference of enthusiasts of the R statistical package, both from business and the academic community.
This is a unique opportunity to enlarge the knowledge of R, improve the ability to process and analyse data and to broaden contacts in the Polish R environment.
The largest Polish groups of R. enthusiasts are involved in organizing the event.

Dslab WNE UW on whyr? 2019
In 2019 year at the WhyR conference? DSLab WNE UW delivered 3 instances, which were successively: Shiny Application for algorithmic trading, The Impact of Federal Open Market Comite minutes on financial markets I Features of districts of Warsaw visible from space, as well as workshops with Speeding up R with C++ (Rcpp) – From basics to more advanced applications.

Our occurrences on WhyR? 2019
Do you like our projects? Do you have idea for your own project?
Długa 44/50, 00-241 Warsaw, Poland
Mon-Fri: 9.00-17.00
Sat-Sun: Closed
Dr Piotr Wojcik